I’ve been in this game for years, it made me an animal
There’s rules to this shit, I wrote me a manual
A step-by-step booklet for you to get
Your game on track, not your wig pushed back.
-The Notorious B.I.G.[1]
The Ten Sandwich Commandments
- Thou shalt provide interest.
- Thou shalt provide textural contrast.
- Thou shalt consider the colours of your ingredients.
- Thou shalt balance rich sandwiches with fresh, light components.
- Thou shalt balance salty meat and cheese with acidity.
- Thou shalt cut bread precisely.
- Thou shalt spread to the edge.
- Thou shalt aggressively season meat, slaws, and salsas to compensate for the muting effect of bread.
- Thou shalt apply salt to raw vegetables such as tomatoes and